Books about money and wealth by Black authors

Last week I got this message from someone who had just finished reading my book, ACRES.

After I sent her the list, I thought it would be great to share it with all of you too! If you’re looking for books about money, wealth, debt freedom, and financial freedom, written by Black authors- here are some of my favorites at the moment!

Keep in mind- this is not an exhaustive list. There are so many more out there. Please list some of your favorites in the comments!

Your Journey to Financial Freedom

In Your Journey to Financial Freedom​, Jamila Souffrant shows how to: skyrocket your savings, blast through debt and ultimately accelerate your unique and truly epic journey to financial freedom and independence.

Get Good with Money

Revealing this practical ten-step process for the first time in its entirety, Get Good with Money​ introduces the powerful concept of building wealth through financial wholeness: a realistic, achievable, and energizing alternative to get-rich-quick and over-complicated money management systems. With helpful checklists, worksheets, a tool kit of resources, and advanced advice from experts who Tiffany herself relies on (her “Budgetnista Boosters”), Get Good with Money gets crystal clear on the short-term actions that lead to long-term goals.

House Hackonomics

Do you wish you could make money from your home to build equity while generating enough money to pay some bills but you’ve no idea how to go about it the right way, without making potentially costly mistakes? And are you looking for a blueprint that will take away the guesswork from the whole process so you can make the best decisions that yield the most return? If your answer is YES, then House Hackonomics​ is for you.

The Wealth Decision

​The Wealth Decision​

Demystify the path to wealth once and for all with Dominique Broadway’s unique strategy for taking control of your finances and becoming a millionaire. Based on simple steps and small decisions that build upon each other that anyone can execute (even those who have never had money or who face debt), The Wealth Decision​ is a must-have for anyone looking to level up their financial situation.

The Money Manual

All you need is information designed for you that empowers you to take action. ​The Money Manual​ was designed to help you cut through the clutter that often leads to feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

Smart Money

Getting a handle on personal finance can be confusing and stressful. Get unstuck and start saving now with this streamlined, holistic plan for financial wellness. ​Smart Money​ makes it simple to ditch debt and jump-start your wealth in nine practical steps. Learn how to avoid money pitfalls, correct any wrong turns, and save and spend the right way to build wealth.

Cashing Out

Cashing Out is your roadmap to financial freedom despite the broken system. You don’t have to sacrifice your time and mental health to maximize income. Instead, financial experts Julien and Kiersten Saunders show how to design a life that allows you to enjoy the little things now while setting yourself up for future financial security. Drawing from their journey paying off $200,000 of debt in five years, quitting their high-stress corporate jobs, and retaking control of their finances, Julien and Kristen teach you practical strategies to reach financial freedom.


With beautiful imagery and powerful words, ACRES reveals the untold stories of several young Black investors who are building wealth from the ground up with real estate. Kendra Barnes, curated this compelling collection of stories to change the narrative surrounding Black Wealth in America. In this coffee table book, you’ll find education and inspiration from real estate investors who are building wealth one acre at a time.

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